iphone - UICollectionReusableView change header hight with animation -

i have collectionview header, first size of header x , want change x+50 animation. when change header frame go on viewcells.

    headercollectionview *headerview = [collectionview dequeuereusablesupplementaryviewofkind:uicollectionelementkindsectionheader withreuseidentifier:kcollectionheaderidentifier forindexpath:indexpath];     headerview.frame = cgrectmake(headerview.frame.origin.x, headerview.frame.origin.y, headerview.frame.size.width, self.h); 

sometimes self.h different sizes;


change header size in

- (cgsize)collectionview:(uicollectionview *)collectionview layout:(uicollectionviewlayout*)collectionviewlayout referencesizeforheaderinsection:(nsinteger)section 

when want change header size call reloaddata delegate method.

hope helps.


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