vba - Powershell - Get the cell location (e.g. B32) after running search for value in Excel document -

how the cell location of value once have confirmed exists after search?

e.g. once script finds cell location "app name" in each sheet - want echoed out me

$i=0 foreach ($b in $b_names) {    $b = $b_names[$i]    $sheet = $wb.worksheets.item($b)     $range = $sheet.range("b1").entirecolumn    $s = $range.find("app name")     $i=$i+1 } 


two things try.

  1. message box

    [system.windows.forms.messagebox]::show("range found: $s.address().tostring()", "alert title") 
  2. write-host

    write-host "range found: " $s.address().tostring() 


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