reporting services - Subreport is not refreshing in main report, though it is set to autorefresh -

i have used guage clock. set auto-refresh every 3 sec. running properly, whole report refreshing, reloading. cant feel of clock. tried use (clock) report sub-report in report (say main report) not set auto-refresh. not getting why sub-report not auto-refreshed in main report. ideas & hints welcome!

i've never used auto-refresh property of report guess since report-level property you're expecting happen won't work. in order subreport part of report refresh need frame or iframe (using html reference). ssrs not render way , subreport isn't going autorefresh. renders subreport , shows in subreport control , moves on.

i'm not sure how have dynamically updating element in report using standard controls. need javascript or kind of other client-side scripting language gets processed in order keep functioning , work when rendered html.

basically don't think possible without third party add-on, , don't know of 1 allows dynamic refreshing of individual report elements without refreshing whole report.

if can program in .net write own custom control ssrs. third party addon create yourself. create clock control , give properties make customizable. if you're going use in reports deploy report server you'll need enough access server deploy control assembly necessary location. see these msdn pages more info:

creating custom report item

jazz data using custom report items in sql server reporting services


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