c++ - Depth-first search -

i have suffix tree, each node of tree struct

struct state { int len, link; map<char,int> next; }; state[100000] st; 

i need make dfs each node , strings can reach, don't know how make. dfs function

 void getnext(int node){   for(map<char,int>::iterator = st[node].next.begin();it != st[node].next.end();it++){       getnext(it->second);  } } 

it perfect if can make like

map<int,vector<string> > 

where int node of tree , vector strings can reach

now works

void createsuffices(int node){//, map<int, vector<string> > &suffices) { if (suffices[sz - 1].size() == 0 && (node == sz - 1)) {     // node leaf     // add vector node containing      // 1 element: empty string     //suffices[node] = new vector<string>     //suffices.add(node, new vector<string>({""}));     vector<string> r;     r.push_back(string());     suffices[node] = r; } else {     // node not leaf     // create vector built     vector<string> v;     // loop on each child     for(map<char,int>::iterator = st[node].next.begin();it != st[node].next.end();it++){         createsuffices(it->second);         vector<string> t = suffices[it->second];         for(int = 0; < t.size(); ++){             v.push_back(string(1,it->first) + t[i]);         }     }     suffices[node] = v; } } 

you can pass map<int, vector<string>> depth first search. when recursive call returns node n, know suffices node ready. c++ skills limited, i'll write in pseudo-code:

void createsuffices(int node, map<int, vector<string>> suffices) {     if (st[node].next.empty()) {         // node leaf         // add vector node containing          // 1 element: empty string         suffices.add(node, new vector<string>({""}));     } else {         // node not leaf         // create vector built         vector<string> v;         // loop on each child         foreach pair<char, int> p in st[node].next {             // handle child             createsuffices(p.second, suffices);              // prepend character suffices of child             foreach string suffix in suffices(p.second) {                 v.add(concatenate(p.first, suffix));             }                         }         // add created vector suffix map         suffices.add(node, v);     } } 


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