excel vba - VBA Open any workbook -

i have macro opens spreadsheet specific folder , saves output worksheet called sheet1 in workbook. macro works if file name called "myfile.xls" able run on file name must have "book2" worksheet.

here code:

dim source workbook dim output workbook dim sourcesheet worksheet dim outputsheet worksheet dim file string file = "c:\spreadsheets\myfile.xls"  'i handle files location'  set output = thisworkbook output.activate  if len(dir$(file)) > 0     set source = workbooks.open(file)  set sourcesheet = source.worksheets("book2") 'must run if sheet called book2' set outputsheet = output.worksheets("sheet1") 'saves sheets new sheet called sheet1'  end sub 

is trying? (tried , tested)

sub sample()     dim source workbook, output workbook     dim sourcesheet worksheet, outputsheet worksheet      dim file      '~~> show dialog open excel file     file = application.getopenfilename("excel files (*.xls*), *.xls*")      if file = false exit sub      set output = thisworkbook      if len(dir$(file)) > 0         set source = workbooks.open(file)          '~~> error check see if workbook has sheet         on error resume next         set sourcesheet = source.worksheets("book2")          if err.number = 0              set outputsheet = output.worksheets("sheet1")             '             '~~> rest of code             '         else             msgbox "not found"             source.close savechanges:=false         end if         on error goto 0     end if end sub 


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