c# - JsonObject received from android service call is null at .net service -

i have written service in asp.net mvc accepts stringified json object parameter , trying consume android code

this service method

public jsonresult savedatainsession(string jsonobjsend) {     jsonresult jsonresult = null;     list<onlineuserdetails> lstvalue = new list<onlineuserdetails>();     onlineuserdetails userdetails = new onlineuserdetails();     javascriptserializer jss = new javascriptserializer();     userdetails = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<onlineuserdetails>(jsondata);     userdetails.loginid = userdetails.emaillid;     userloginandsignup userloginandsignup = new userloginandsignup();     string result = userloginandsignup.savedetails(userdetails);     jsonresult = json(userdetails, jsonrequestbehavior.allowget);     return jsonresult; } 

and how sending json object android

jsonobjsend = new jsonobject(); try{     jsonobjsend.put("firstname", firstname.gettext().tostring());     jsonobjsend.put("lastname", lastname.gettext().tostring());     jsonobjsend.put("emaillid", emailid.gettext().tostring());     jsonobjsend.put("password", password.gettext().tostring());     jsonobjsend.put("mobilenumber", mobilenumber.gettext().tostring());     //jsonobjsend.put("login_rememberme", "true");     // }catch (jsonexception e) {     e.printstacktrace(); } 

and making httprequest call like

try {     defaulthttpclient httpclient = new defaulthttpclient();     httppost httppostrequest = new httppost(url);      stringentity se=null;     try {         se = new stringentity(jsonobjsend.tostring(),http.utf_8);                } catch (unsupportedencodingexception  e) {         // todo auto-generated catch block         e.printstacktrace();     }     se.setcontenttype("application/json");     se.setcontentencoding("utf-8");     // set http parameters     httppostrequest.setentity(se);     httpresponse response = (httpresponse) httpclient.execute(httppostrequest); 

but whenever try consume webservice passing jsonobject receiving null.

what's error??

thanks in advance

i think need set datatype = json when posting request along json data

in case suppose there option call this:



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