sql - using parameter values in stored procedures -

i have following sql code in stored procedure:

create procedure sp_createacoldifftable (@table_name nvarchar(128))  create table @table_name (   [table_name]       varchar (128) not null, [column_name]      varchar (128) null, [what_changed]     varchar (128) null, [sr_data_type]     varchar (128) not null, [tr_data_type]     varchar (128) not null, [sr_max_length]    smallint not null, [tr_max_length]    smallint not null, [sr_is_nullable]   char null, [tr_is_nullable]   char null, [sr_precision]     smallint null, [tr_precision]     smallint null, [sr_scale]         smallint null, [tr_scale]         smallint null ) on [primary] (data_compression = none) 

i call stored procedure this:

exec [sp_createacoldifftable] 'hq193.dbo.arch_con_col_s193_s202' 

when run code error:

incorrect syntax near '@table_name'.

when substitute actual table name @table_name works fine. can point out problem syntax?

you need use dynamic sql this, create table doesn't take variable name.


create procedure sp_createacoldifftable (@table_name nvarchar(128))  declare @sql nvarchar(max)  set @sql = 'create table ' + @table_name + ' (     [table_name]       varchar (128) not null, [column_name]      varchar (128) null, [what_changed]     varchar (128) null, [sr_data_type]     varchar (128) not null, [tr_data_type]     varchar (128) not null, [sr_max_length]    smallint not null, [tr_max_length]    smallint not null, [sr_is_nullable]   char null, [tr_is_nullable]   char null, [sr_precision]     smallint null, [tr_precision]     smallint null, [sr_scale]         smallint null, [tr_scale]         smallint null ) on [primary] (data_compression = none)'; exec(@sql); 

be aware using dynamic sql can lead sql injection though, make sure never pass user input @table_name.


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