Python alternative to Javascript function.bind()? -

this question has answer here:

in javascript, 1 might write

var ids = ['item0', 'item1', 'item2', 'item3']; // variable length function click_callback(number, event) {     console.log('this is: ', number); } (var k = 0; k < ids.length; k += 1) {     document.getelementbyid(ids[k]).onclick = click_callback.bind(null, k); } 

so can pass callback function value of k @ time registered though has changed time function called.

does python have way equivalent?

the specific situation (but prefer general answer):

i have variable number of matplotlib plots (one each coordinate). each has spanselector, reason designed pass 2 limit points callback function. however, have same callback function. have:

def span_selected(min, max): 

but need

def span_selected(which_coordinate, min, max): 

at time of registering callback, of course know coordinate, need know when function called. in javascript,

callback = span_selected.bind(null, coordinate) 

what in python?

turned out answered here: how bind arguments given values in python functions?

the solution is:

from functools import partial def f(a,b,c):     print a,b,c bound_f = partial(f,1) bound_f(2,3) 

full credits matth.

edit: in example, instead of

callback = span_selected.bind(null, coordinate) 


callback = partial(span_selected, coordinate) 


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