array reference from recusive php array search -

i new php , not sure how referencing works in php defiantly different c++ , java.

basically have loop looks 'tag' recursivly. want location of array element , add pushing array 'tag' within 'tag' in case have tags, sub-tags, sub-sub-tags ...

here code:

private function organize_tags(&$tags = null) { if ($tags === null) {     return; }   $organized_tags = array();  $highest_tag_level = -1; foreach ($tags $tag) {     if($tag['level'] > $highest_tag_level)     {         $highest_tag_level = $tag['level'];     } }  $current_tag_level = 0; foreach ($tags $key => $tag) {     if($tag['level'] == $current_tag_level)     {         array_push($organized_tags,$tag);         unset($tags[$key]);     } } $current_tag_level++;  while ($current_tag_level <= $highest_tag_level) {    foreach ($tags $tag)    {         if($tag['level'] == $current_tag_level)         {             $tag_to_find = $tag['upper_tag'];              $parent_tag = $this->find_tag($organized_tags, $tag_to_find);               if($parent_tag != null)             {                 if(!is_array($parent_tag['tag']))                 {                     $parent_tag['tag'] = array();                 }                 array_push($parent_tag['tag'], $tag);             }         }     }     $current_tag_level++; }  $tags = $organized_tags;  }    private function find_tag(&$tags, &$desired_tag_id) {     $ret = null;     foreach($tags $tag)     {         if($tag['id'] == $desired_tag_id)         {             return $tag;         }         else if (count($tag['tag']) > 0)         {             $ret = $this->find_tag($tag, $desired_tag_id);             if($ret !== null)             {                 return $ret;             }         }      }     return $ret; } 

if tell me how insertion sooooooo happy.

so created inefficient method of getting results , inserting them. used bit of code insert array here

anyway here code:

    if ($tags === null)     {         return;     }      $organized_tags = array();      $highest_tag_level = -1;     foreach ($tags $tag)     {         if ($tag['level'] > $highest_tag_level)         {             $highest_tag_level = $tag['level'];         }     }      $current_tag_level = 0;     foreach ($tags $tag)     {         if ($tag['level'] == $current_tag_level)         {             array_push($organized_tags, $tag);         }     }     $current_tag_level++;      foreach ($tags $tag)     {         foreach ($organized_tags $o_tag)         {             if ($tag['upper_tag'] == $o_tag['id'])             {                 $this->array_insert($organized_tags,$tag,(array_search($o_tag,$organized_tags)+1));             }         }     }     return $organized_tags; 

hope finds useful :d


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