c# - Webpage not rendering the same way in WebBrowser control, works fine in Mobile IE -

i got strange issue. i'm using webbrowser control in app facebook connect. i'm not using facebook sdk because doesn't suit needs.

here issue : inside webbrowser control in app, elements (ie text, images , select list) doesn't show/work ! though work fine mobile ie (same url etc...).

i tried use exact same user agent mobile ie use, no change.

any idea of why difference ?


here pictures :

from ie : http://i.stack.imgur.com/fm6ku.png from app : http://i.stack.imgur.com/egnni.png

here code (pretty standard) :

void browser_loaded(object sender, routedeventargs e) {     (sender webbrowser).navigate(new uri("http://m.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=id&redirect_uri=redirect&scope=publish_stream,offline_access,publish_actions"), null, "user-agent: mozilla 5.0 (compatible; msie 9.5; windows phone 8.0; trident/6.0; iemobile/9.5; arm; touch; nokia; lumia 725)"); } 

the user-agent header has same value mobile ie, it's useless makes no difference.

okay guys, fixed it...

this stupid problem : default scripts disabled in webbrowser control.

i added :

    void browser_navigating(object sender, navigatingeventargs e)     {         (sender webbrowser).isscriptenabled = true;     } 

and no more issue. facebook login page rendered via javascript calls guess.

thanks !


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