Find probability of the given data set, what probability i can say it is bad -

i have issue there data set. , in there have , bad category, , in category there few elements can , bad....

you can see ven diagram attached view , data set have. please ill glad if me out.

enter image description here enter image description here

i new probability , math stuff, yet have project in middle have find way given data set bad or depending on data.

what probability theory can use? how use... please give an example using data set. thankyou

eg. if data set of a,d,e elements there... probability can bad.

a function gives / bad result called classification function. data set, there many ways construct classification function. see, example, "pattern recognition , machine learning" brian ripley.

one way easy understand so-called quadratic discriminant. easy describe: (1) construct gaussian density each category (good, bad, etc). (2) output category new input has greatest probability.

(1) compute mean , covariance matrix data in each category. gives p(x | category).

(2) choose category such p(category | x) greatest. note p(category | x) = p(x | category) p(category) / sum_i (p(x | category_i) p(category_i)), p(category) (number of data in category) / (number of data). if work logarithms, can simplify calculations somewhat.

such function can constructed in few lines of programming language has matrix operations, such octave or r.


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