java - Hibernate and @ElementCollection: Duplicate Key -

i have cronjob running, calculating lot of stuff once day.

there 2 entites involved.

first 1 "kpi" entity, containing information user activities. every kpi entity 1:1 related user ofc. kpi entity related 1:n more detailed drill down. (it's element collection inside kpi entity).


@entity @table(name = dbconstants.kpi_table_name) @namedqueries({ @namedquery(name = "kpi.byuser", query = "select k kpientity k k.user = :user"),         @namedquery(name = "kpi.all", query = "select k kpientity k"),         @namedquery(name = "kpi.allactiveusers", query = "select k kpientity k k.user.accountactive = :accountstatus") }) public class kpientity implements serializable {     @id    @generatedvalue(strategy = generationtype.identity)    private int id;     @column    private long taskscompleted;      @elementcollection(targetclass = java.lang.long.class, fetch = fetchtype.eager)     @mapkeyclass(java.lang.string.class)     @mapkeycolumn(name = "taskkey")     @collectiontable(name = "kpitaskdrilldown", joincolumns = @joincolumn(name = "id"))     @column(name = "count")     private map<string, long> taskscompletedpertype; } 

so, assume hibernate creates 2 tables:


id | taskscompleted 1  | 250 2  | 50 


kpi_id | taskscompletedpertype | count 1      |                     | 20 1      | b                     | 75 ... 

this "works" - first run. if cronjob runs again, receive duplicate-key-mysql-errors.

i noticed, hibernate has created composite key on drilldown table: kpi_id, taskscompletedpertype. seems fine far.

but if update on kpi entity, hibernate seems try insert values second table - fail due constraint.

any ideas?


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