ios - When I call glFinish() does that mean OpenGL ES ignores further calls until I call -setCurrentContext:? -

in opengl es programming guide say:

to summarize, app needs call glfinish function ensure submitted commands drained command buffer , executed opengl es. after moves background, must avoid use of opengl es until moves foreground.

does glfinish make opengl es ignore further function calls?

or how else prevent app calling opengl es functions after begins transition background?

problem if invalidate timer triggers async drawing gcd serial queue block still finishes work in middle of entering background.

glfinish() block until previous calls opengl es has completed functions , clears pending tasks. function helpful called before screenshots.

to avoid gl calls while app goes background, rather simple , depends more on way have implemented game loop. in our games, use boolean variable 'isappactive' triggered when app goes background state. if variable true draw() function in gameloop not called. avoiding gl calls.


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