ruby on rails - Issue with configuring active admin -
try install active admin , encounter error "invalid route name, in use: 'admin_root'" after research stackoverflow . found answers ,trying apply them case it's not working . here's routes.rb. im confused routes should delete fix prob.i don't have admin routes . it's little confusing.
devise_for :admin_users, activeadmin::devise.config activeadmin.routes(self) resources :activities, only: [:index, :destroy] "relationships/create" "relationships/destroy" "users/show" # can have root of site routed "root" root 'videos#index' 'home', :to => "pages#home", :as => :home 'login', :to => "pages#login", :as => :login 'about', :to => "pages#about", :as => :about 'browse', :to => "pages#browse", :as => :browse 'recent', :to => "videos#recent", :as => :recent devise_for :users activeadmin.routes(self) 'users/:id' => 'users#show', as: :user resources :relationships, only: [:create, :destroy] resources :user_friendships resources :videos resources :hearts, only: :create resources :playlists resources :users resources :playlists resources :videos end member :following, :followers end
you trying load activeadmin routes twice. have line twice:
remove 1 of instances , should go.
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