iphone - Hide keyboard on ViewWillAppear -

i have screen having navigation controller , text field. when move next , come want keyboard should hidden in first screen. hiding keyboard on textfield event.

- (bool)textfieldshouldreturn:(uitextfield *)textfield {     [textfield resignfirstresponder];     return no; } 

but how in view related events whenever view appears keyboard hidden.. pls guide/help. in adv.

i think way remove keyboard in ios app if uitextview or uitextfield not connected through iboutlet.

if want hide keyboard uiviewcontroller lifecycle events viewwillappear or etc. follow

-(void)viewwillappear:(bool)animated    {     [super viewwillappear:animated];     [[self view] endediting:yes]; } 

otherwise if object connected using iboutlet code work fine describe too.

[yourtextfield resignfirstresponder]; 


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