transactions - Spring @Transactional value param with SpEL (Spring expression language) -

in 1 of service classes have methods annotated such :

@transactional(value="foodb") public bar getmesomething(){ } 

i learned @value power of spring el values stored in properties file. such


which works charm.

now i'm trying same with


with no success ...

i following exception :

org.springframework.beans.factory.nosuchbeandefinitionexception: no bean named '${}' defined: no matching platformtransactionmanager bean found qualifier '${}' - neither qualifier match nor bean name match! 

is trying supported spring ?

what can value inside @transactional annotation


nope, it's not supported.

here's excerpt org.springframework.transaction.annotation.springtransactionannotationparser

public transactionattribute parsetransactionannotation(transactional ann) {     rulebasedtransactionattribute rbta = new rulebasedtransactionattribute();     rbta.setpropagationbehavior(ann.propagation().value());     rbta.setisolationlevel(ann.isolation().value());     rbta.settimeout(ann.timeout());     rbta.setreadonly(ann.readonly());     rbta.setqualifier(ann.value()); // <<--- magic     // if there, isn't 


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