swing - Java Circle to Circle collision detection -

i making circle circle collision detection program. can balls move around when collision detected, balls quite far overlapped. suggestions? in advance!

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.arraylist; import java.lang.math;  public class shapepanel extends jpanel{    private jbutton button, startbutton, stopbutton;   private jtextfield textfield;   private jlabel label;   private timer timer;   private final int delay = 10;     arraylist<shape> obj = new arraylist<shape>();     public static void main(string[] args){      jframe frame = new jframe();     frame.setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close);     frame.getcontentpane().add(new shapepanel());     frame.pack();     frame.setvisible(true);   }    public shapepanel(){      jpanel controlpanel = new jpanel();     drawingpanel dpanel = new drawingpanel();     controlpanel.setpreferredsize(new dimension(100,400));     button = new jbutton("add shape");     startbutton = new jbutton("start");     stopbutton = new jbutton("stop");     textfield = new jtextfield(2);     label = new jlabel("count:");        controlpanel.add(button);     controlpanel.add(label);     controlpanel.add(textfield);     controlpanel.add(startbutton);     controlpanel.add(stopbutton);     add(controlpanel);     add(dpanel);      buttonlistener blisten = new buttonlistener();     button.addactionlistener(blisten);     startbutton.addactionlistener(blisten);     stopbutton.addactionlistener(blisten);      timer = new timer(delay, blisten);    }   private class buttonlistener implements actionlistener{       public void actionperformed(actionevent e){        if (e.getsource() == button){          obj.add(new shape());         if (obj.get(obj.size()-1).y > 200){            obj.get(obj.size()-1).movey = -obj.get(obj.size()-1).movey;         }        }else if (e.getsource() == timer){          (int = 0; < obj.size(); i++){           obj.get(i).move();         }          (int = 0; < obj.size(); i++){            (int j = + 1; j < obj.size(); j++){              if (math.sqrt(math.pow((double)obj.get(i).centercoordx - (double)obj.get(j).centercoordx,2)) +                  math.pow((double)obj.get(i).centercoordy - (double)obj.get(j).centercoordy,2) <= obj.get(i).radius + obj.get(j).radius){                timer.stop();               }            }         }        }else if (e.getsource() == startbutton){          timer.start();       }else if (e.getsource() == stopbutton){          timer.stop();       }         repaint();     }   }   private class drawingpanel extends jpanel{      drawingpanel(){        setpreferredsize(new dimension(400,400));       setbackground(color.pink);      }     public void paintcomponent(graphics g){       super.paintcomponent(g);       for(int = 0; < obj.size(); i++){          obj.get(i).display(g);       }      }   } }     import java.awt.*; import java.util.*;  public class shape{    public int x, y, width, height, movex = 1, movey = 1, centercoordx, centercoordy, radius;   private color colour;   public boolean reverse = false, samedirection = true;    random generator = new random();    public int randomrange(int lo, int hi){     return generator.nextint(hi-lo)+lo;   }    shape(){     width = randomrange(30, 50);     if (width % 2 != 0){       width = randomrange(30, 50);     }     height = width;      radius = width/2;     x = randomrange(0, 400-width);     y = randomrange(0, 400-height);     colour = new color(generator.nextint(256),generator.nextint(256),generator.nextint(256));   }    public void display(graphics g){      g.setcolor(colour);     g.filloval(x, y, width, height);   }   void move(){      x += movex;     y += movey;      centercoordx = x + width/2;     centercoordy = y + height/2;      if(x >= 400-width){        movex = -movex;      }if(x <= 0){        movex = -movex;      }if(y >= 400-height){        movey = -movey;      }if (y <= 0){        movey = -movey;      }     } } 

so uncommented code!

the balls colliding if centres within sum of radii. let r1 , r2 ball radii, , x1, y1 position of centre of ball1; x2, y2 ball2.

measure square of distance between centres (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1). (pythagoras).

they have collided if less or equal (r1 + r2) * (r1 + r2).

the key thing here there no need compute square roots expensive computational task.


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