spring mvc - apache tile HTML rendering with empty <a></a> -

i having strange problem html.

on backend, problem part this.

        <div class="content">             <a href="detail.html"></a>             <img src="assets/img/tmp/img.png" alt=""></img>         </div><!-- /.content --> 

on brower(google chrome) view source

        <div class="content">             <a href="detail.html"/>             <img src="assets/img/tmp/img.png" alt=""></img>          </div><!-- /.content --> 

but when inspect element

        <div class="content">             <a href="detail.html">             <img src="assets/img/tmp/img.png" alt=""></img></a>          </div><!-- /.content --> 

as can see tag interpreted differently, , caused lot of problems, ideas why happens? when add <a href="detail.html">><!-- required ff3 , opera --></a> in backend problem solves.however, instead of put everywhere, there other way can solve it

i using apache tile in spring mvc html header below

<jsp:output doctype-root-element="html"     doctype-system="about:legacy-compat" /> 

i found problem. template file wrote using jspx extension, should use jsp instead. thought extension doesnt matter, since tiles compile file regardless extension. hope others fish out same issues :)


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