ajax - How to inline in javascript -

this sample code below want inline..

<script>      $(document).ready(function(){         $('#secsubmit').click(function(){       $.ajax({          type: "post",          url: 'process/process_mst.php?action=supplier_create',          data: "sec_supplier=" + $('#sec_supplier').val() + "&sec_branch=" + $('#sec_branch').val()           + "&sec_dmorigin=" + $('#sec_dmorigin').val() + "&sec_dmnum=" + $('#sec_dmnum').val()           + "&sec_amount=" + $('#sec_amount').val() + "&sec_desc=" + $('#sec_desc').val()          + "&sec_user_id=" + $('#sec_user_id').val(),          success: function(data){          error = '';          if($('#sec_supplier').val() == "")                               error += ' - please select supplier';          if($('#sec_branch').val() == "")                             error += ' - please select branch';           if(error != '')     alert(error);     else{     alert("data inserted...");     window.location = "support_entry.php";          }        }      });                 });                }); </script> 

it display this:

- please select supplier - please select branch 

i want display this:

-please select supplier </br> -please select branch </br> 

you can use "\n" character line jump in alert box.

for example:

error += ' - please select supplier'+"\n"; 


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