delphi - control string in TRichEdit -

using 2 buttons add lines trichedit control; there way can use second button continue line of first button?

i have tried using control string sequence of #8 backspace it, doesn't work me. else can do?

if understand question correctly, can concatenating (adding) second half of string first half you've added.

procedure tform1.button1click(sender: tobject); begin   richedit1.lines.add('this first half'); end;  procedure tform1.button2click(sender: tobject); var   lastline: integer; begin   lastline := richedit1.lines.count - 1;   // make sure we've added text before   if lastline <> -1     richedit1.lines[lastline] := richedit1.lines[lastline] +          ', , here second half.'; end; 


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