python - Matplotlib: Markers surrounded by white space -

this question has answer here:

this plot 2009 paper (pdf).


  • what software used draw this?
  • how can achieve same type of drawing markers surrounded white space matplotlib?

you achieve type of plot several different plotting packages. similar in matplotlib, try setting markers follows:

import numpy np import matplotlib.pyplot plt # random data stand in x1 = 0.8+0.1*np.random.rand(25) x2 = 0.3+0.2*np.random.rand(25) # customise marker properties plt.plot(x1, color='g', marker='s', mec='w', mfc='g', mew='3', ms=8) plt.plot(x2, color='b', marker='s', mec='w', mfc='b', mew='3', ms=8) 

see plot , line2d docs more information on properties can modify.


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