vb.net - How to add moments in google plus using asp.net on server side -

public function googlepluspostnow(byval _postcontent string, byval _postname string, byval _startdate string, byval _linkedbackurl string) boolean             dim clientid string = "clientid.apps.googleusercontent.com"             dim body new moment             dim target new itemscope             target.id = "1"             target.image = "image"             target.type = "http://schemas.google.com/addactivity"             target.description = _postcontent             target.url = _linkedbackurl             target.name = _postname             body.target = target             body.type = "http://schemas.google.com/addactivity"             dim insert new momentsresource.insertrequest(plusservice(), body, clientid, momentsresource.collection.vault)             dim wrote moment = insert.fetch()  end function   private function buildauth() baseclientservice.initializer     dim service_account_email string = "yourserviceaccount@developer.gserviceaccount.com"     dim service_account_pkcs12_file_path string = "certificate path"     dim certificate x509certificate2 = new x509certificate2(service_account_pkcs12_file_path, "notasecret", x509keystorageflags.exportable)     dim googleauthserver dotnetopenauth.oauth2.authorizationserverdescription = googleauthenticationserver.description     googleauthserver.authorizationendpoint = new uri(googleauthserver.authorizationendpoint.absoluteuri + "?" + "data-requestvisibleactions=addactivity" + "&" +        "access_type=offline")     dim provider new authentication.oauth2.dotnetopenauth.assertionflowclient(googleauthserver, certificate) {.serviceaccountid = service_account_email, .scope =       plus.v1.plusservice.scopes.pluslogin.getstringvalue()}     dim auth new oauth2authenticator(of authentication.oauth2.dotnetopenauth.assertionflowclient)(provider, addressof authentication.oauth2.dotnetopenauth.assertionflowclient.getstate)     dim init new google.apis.services.baseclientservice.initializer     init.apikey = "api key"     init.authenticator = auth     return init end function  private function plusservice() plusservice             dim ps new plusservice(buildauth)             return ps end function 


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