c# - Function as variable throwing error NotImplementedException unhandled -

okay have added function c# script fetch ip address , send output string in variable heres source

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.collections.specialized; using system.net; using system.io;   namespace consoleapplication1 { class program {     static void main(string[] args)     {         string url = "http://localhost/test2.php";         webclient webclient = new webclient();          namevaluecollection formdata = new namevaluecollection();         formdata["var1"] = formdata["var1"] = string.format("machinename: {0}", system.environment.machinename);         formdata["var2"] = stringgetpublicipaddress();         formdata["var3"] = "dgpass";          byte[] responsebytes = webclient.uploadvalues(url, "post", formdata);         string responsefromserver = encoding.utf8.getstring(responsebytes);         console.writeline(responsefromserver);         webclient.dispose();         system.threading.thread.sleep(5000);     }      private static string stringgetpublicipaddress()     {         throw new notimplementedexception();     }         private string getpublicipaddress()     {         var request = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create("http://ifconfig.me");          request.useragent = "curl"; // simulate curl linux command          string publicipaddress;          request.method = "get";         using (webresponse response = request.getresponse())         {             using (var reader = new streamreader(response.getresponsestream()))             {                 publicipaddress = reader.readtoend();             }         }          return publicipaddress.replace("\n", "");      }     }     } 

basically have created function

private static string stringgetpublicipaddress() 

and sending variable

formdata["var2"] = stringgetpublicipaddress(); 

i getting error

throw new notimplementedexception();  === notimplementedexception unhandled 

you... didn't implement method. have this:

private static string stringgetpublicipaddress() {     throw new notimplementedexception(); } 

so of course time call method, it's going throw exception. looks did implement method want here, though:

private string getpublicipaddress() {     // rest of code } 

maybe result of copy/paste error? try getting rid of small method throws exception , changing implemented method static:

private static string getpublicipaddress() {     // rest of code } 

then update anywhere call this:


to this:


this looks copy/paste errors gone wrong in strange ways. or perhaps you're struggling difference between static , instance methods? maybe implemented method, compiler suggested needed static method? there's lot read static vs. instance methods/members won't here. it's significant concept in object-oriented programming.

in particular case, since you're in context of static method in main, call main on class (the program class) needs static, unless create instance of program this:

var program = new program(); 

this allow call instance methods on program:


but small application such this, isn't necessary.


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