sql - Set Snapshot isolation is not reflecting -

when ran - set transaction isolation level snapshot -command executed below query returns :

select is_read_committed_snapshot_on,        snapshot_isolation_state_desc,        snapshot_isolation_state   sys.databases  name = 'mydb'  


is_read_committed_snapshot_on   0 snapshot_isolation_state_desc   off  snapshot_isolation_state        0 

could pleae let me know why set transction command not reflecting? also, assume allow_snapshot_isolation "on" "set transaction isolation level snapshot "command runs successfully.is correct?

no snapshot isolation not on database.

if try , run query against database message.

snapshot isolation transaction failed accessing database 'mydb' because snapshot isolation not allowed in database. use alter database allow snapshot isolation.

to enable need run

alter database mydb set allow_snapshot_isolation on; 


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