sql - change specific data of column -

i have table in 10 record, want update specific column data, means part column data , not, example in row 1 want change std standard , other data remain same, change same thing in row in single query. can possible? , remember cant remove , add cell again because change id

id - col1 - col2  1 - - std abcad 2 - b - std bcddsad 3 - c - std avadsad 4 - - std abcdsad 5 - b - std bcddsa 6 - c - std avadsad 7 - - std abcdsd 8 - b - std bcddsds 9 - c - std avadsd 

you can use replace function this

update     table set     col2 = replace(col2, 'std', 'standard'); 


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