gitignore - How can I tell git to ignore LibreOffice lock files? -

i have git repo contains xslx files. edit them libreoffice every once in while. libreoffice won't remove lock files ( ./folder/.~lock.filename.xslx#). causes files liested new on every git status.

i git ignore them. tried following in .gitignore doesn't seem work:

*.~lock* .~lock* */.~lock* 

any ideas?


also tried:


as seen in no success.

to test patterns .gitignore,

git ls-files-ix '.~lock*'

to see if cached aka staged aka tracked aka added files match ignore patterns (and may have been added in error),

git ls-files -ic --exclude-standard

as @nevikrehnel pointed out, git won't ignore tracked files. un-track file,

git rm --cachedpath/to/it

which take out of next commit, way take file out of earlier history rewrite e.g. git commit --amend if last commit, git rebase -i if you've got few or git filter-branch bulk work. none of alters old history, add new history , switch current branch refer it. old history still there, , no other refs moved.


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