javascript - How to create a Right Click customized menu on li item in HTML -

my requirement want open right click customized menu on particular li item. got js file

url in js file right click works on whole page want work li or tags. when users right click on particular li or tag @ time right click menu opens , if user clicks anywhere else hides , open normal right click menu.

please me out .....

for reference.. or etc....

for starters, don't know effect achieve, i'll asume it's menu in skydrive when click on files , directories.

there lot of solutions this, can stick yours found code. first things first - need decode it. can use online beutyfiers one:

i've copied code of file contextmenu_o.js , got code:

var mouse_x = 0; var mouse_y = 0; var mouse_left = false; var mouse_right = false; if (document.addeventlistener != undefined) document.addeventlistener('mousemove', mousemove, true); else if (document.layers) document.captureevents(event.mousedown | event.mousemove | event.mouseup); document.onmousemove = mousemove; document.oncontextmenu = rightmousedown; document.onmousedown = mousedown; document.onmouseup = mouseup;  function mousemove(a) {     mouse_x = document.all ? event.clientx + document.body.scrollleft : document.layers ? a.x + window.pagexoffset : a.clientx + window.pagexoffset;     mouse_y = document.all ? event.clienty + document.body.scrolltop : document.layers ? a.y + window.pageyoffset : a.clienty + window.pageyoffset }  function rightmousedown() {     mouse_right = true;     return false }  function init(a, w) {     var b = document.createelement("div"); = "contextmenu";     if (!w) var w = 120; = w + "px";     var c = '<div style="position:relative;left:10px;top:-4px;">';     c += a;     c += ' <a href="" target="_top" title="javascript contextmenu" alt="free javascript menu"><font color="#565656" size="-2">get it...</font></a>';     c += '</div>';     b.innerhtml = c; = "absolute"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "hidden"; = "hidden"; = "4px"; = "#ffffff"; = "1px solid #6a6868";     document.body.appendchild(b);     delete b }  function mouseup(e) {     if (e.which == 1) document.getelementbyid("contextmenu").style.visibility = "hidden";     else if (e.which == 3) mouse_right = false }  function mousedown(e) {     if (e.which == 3) {         mouse_right = true;         document.getelementbyid("contextmenu").style.left = mouse_x + "px";         document.getelementbyid("contextmenu") = mouse_y + "px";         document.getelementbyid("contextmenu").style.visibility = "visible"     } } 

this isn't universal code out there , need changes. i'm making changes visible here, on jsfiddle, overwrite document div of choice i'm giving event listeners.


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