r - Bars position in ggplot2 -

i'm making graph using ggplot , not able reduce spaces between bars. can increasing size of bars, them become thin , not far away.

i've used position_dodge(width = 0.5) did not me.

my script

library(scales) seguro <- matrix(0,4,3) seguro <- as.data.frame(seguro) seguro[,1] <- c("2010","2011","2012","2013") seguro[,2] <-c(89,86,87,88) seguro[,3] <-c("89%","86%","87%","88%") names(seguro)[c(1)]<-c("ano") ggplot(seguro, aes(ano, v2, fill=ano))+          geom_bar(width=0.3,stat="identity",                  position="identity", aes(fill=ano)) +          scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +          geom_text(data=seguro,aes(x=ano,label=v3),vjust=0) 

perhaps you're question better answered changing output window size, not tweaking code in ggplot function:

library(scales) seguro <- matrix(0,4,3) seguro <- as.data.frame(seguro) seguro[,1] <- c("2010","2011","2012","2013") seguro[,2] <-c(89,86,87,88) seguro[,3] <-c("89%","86%","87%","88%") names(seguro)[c(1)]<-c("ano")  x11(height=7,width=5)  ggplot(seguro, aes(ano, v2, fill=ano))+          geom_bar(width=0.3,stat="identity",                  position="identity", aes(fill=ano)) +          scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +          geom_text(data=seguro,aes(x=ano,label=v3),vjust=0) 

you can similar things if outputting pdf or jpeg:

pdf("test.pdf",height=7,width=5) ggplot(seguro, aes(ano, v2, fill=ano))+          geom_bar(width=0.3,stat="identity",                  position="identity", aes(fill=ano)) +          scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +          geom_text(data=seguro,aes(x=ano,label=v3),vjust=0) dev.off() 


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