osx - Python on Mac OS X -

i think have problems python installation on os x 10.8. here's after whichcommand

$ -a python /usr/local/bin/python /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/python 

then have

$ /usr/local/bin/python --version python 2.7.5 


/usr/bin/python --version python 2.5.6 

i have homebrew installed. problem program (tex live utility) crashes because needs python 2.6+ , uses /usr/bin/python path. question is, python version comes os x? how fix problem without messing apple's python installation?

by way, in /usr/bin folder have following

$ ls py* pydoc           python2.5       pythonw pydoc2.5        python2.5-config    pythonw2.5 pydoc2.6        python2.6       pythonw2.6 pydoc2.7        python2.6-config    pythonw2.7 python          python2.7 python-config       python2.7-config 

  • /usr/bin/python python comes os x.
  • /usr/local/bin/python homebrew version.

this explains why 2nd 1 newer. also, if have homebrew installed, under /usr/local has been installed homebrew (normally).

p.s. i'm little bit suspicious why os x python @ version 2.6.5; in os x 10.8, python comes bundled should 2.7.2 case on system:

$ /usr/bin/python --version python 2.7.2 


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