objective c - Navigationbar changes bartintcolor randomly only on iPhone 4 -

i have serious problem app on iphone 4 devices running ios 7. app has tabbarcontroller 5 tabs each tab has navigationcontroller (and view navigationbar). app working great on iphone 5 , devices in simulator not real iphone 4.

my goal every tab has own navigationbar color, in viewwillappear method made example this:

[self.navigationcontroller.navigationbar setbartintcolor:[uicolor colorwithred:0.102 green:0.129 blue:0.282 alpha:1.0]]; [self.navigationcontroller.navigationbar settranslucent:yes]; 

as mentioned before, works great except real iphone 4. if switch through tabs seems working, colors of navigationbars correct. when open 1 tab again (which have opened before) navigationbar plain white!!!

i confused why?

for ran same issue... bug , reported. see apple dev forum. seems happening if use mapkit.


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