actionscript 3 - Is It possible to make a Transparent Mask like making an window, on AS3 Flash? -

i want have movieclip make hole on movieclip, putting window on wall. can make mask has same effect right-clicking layer , masking it, not want. want make transparent hole.

i have tried this:

mc1 = new green();  mc2 = new blue();   mc2.blendmode = blendmode.alpha;   addchild(mc1);  addchild(mc2);  mc2.cacheasbitmap = true;  mc1.mask = mc2;  

and this:

mc1.cacheasbitmap = true;  mc2.cacheasbitmap = true;  mc1.setmask(mc2); 

first problem: code gives me errors. second problem: doesn't make hole on movieclip, normal mask.

here code, revised:

var mc1 = new green(); //included var before variable name var mc2 = new blue();  mc2.blendmode = blendmode.erase; //this masking shape erase what's below movieclip(root).blendmode = blendmode.layer; //setting root layer works  addchild(mc1);  addchild(mc2);  mc2.cacheasbitmap = true;  

it appears trying create 'inverted mask,' mask reveals under except located. effect can achieved giving mc2 blend mode of blendmode.erase instead of blendmode.alpha.

check out this article reference.


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