php - Oracle database wont show in table -

i have been working on little while , cannot seem data oracle show in table. database exists , has been filled data. not sure do. not getting errors when view site.

if want @ site

the code php this:

    <html>      <head>     <title>phones r - search results</title>     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">     </head>      <body>      <?php      /* set oracle user login , password info */     $dbuser = "db_user"; /* deakin login */     $dbpass = "secret"; /* oracle access password */     $db = "ssid";      $connect = ocilogon($dbuser, $dbpass, $db);      if (!$connect) {     echo "an error occurred connecting database";      exit;      }      /* build sql statement using form data */     $query = "select * search";      /* check sql statement errors , if errors report them */     $stmt = ociparse($connect, $query);      //echo "sql: $query<br>";     if(!$stmt) {     echo "an error occurred in parsing sql string.\n";      exit;      }     ociexecute($stmt);      ?>      <table border="1">     <tr bgcolor="#006633">     <td width="75" style="color:#ffff99">brand</td>     <td width="75" style="color:#ffff99">name</td>     <td width="100" style="color:#ffff99">storage</td>     <td width="75" style="color:#ffff99">system</td>     <td width="75" style="color:#ffff99">picture</td>     <td width="200" style="color:#ffff99">stock</td>     </tr>      <?php     // display values in retrieved records, 1 record per row, in loop     while(ocifetch($stmt)) {     // start row each record     echo("<tr valign=top bgcolor=#ccffcc>");     // output fields, 1 per column       $fg1 = ociresult($stmt, "brand"); // brand     echo "<td width=75>";     echo $fg1;     echo "</td>";       $fg2 = ociresult($stmt, "name"); // name     echo "<td width=75>";     echo $fg2;     echo "</td>";      $fg3 = ociresult($stmt, "storage"); // storage     echo "<td width=75>";     echo $fg3;     echo "</td>";      $fg4 = ociresult($stmt, "system"); // system     echo "<td width=75>";     echo $fg4;     echo "</td>";      $fg5 = ociresult($stmt, "picture"); // picture     echo "<td width=75>";     echo $fg5;     echo "</td>";      $fg6 = ociresult($stmt, "stock"); // stock     echo "<td width=75>";     echo $fg6;     echo "</td>";      // end row      echo("</tr>");     }      // close connection     ocilogoff ($connect);      ?>      </table>      </body>       </html> 

any appreciated.


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