vbscript - Need to compare folder path in VBS (.regex) -

question is: need compare folder1 path , folder2 path strings in vbs.

folder1 read text file, saved earlier. folder2 - select folder dialog. want prevent user choose folder2 if:
folder2 = folder1 folder2 = folder1\some_folder folder2 = parent_folder\folder1

for example: folder1 = c:\users\user\documents folder2 cannot be: c:\users\user\documents, c:\users\user\documents\letters or c:\users\user\

cannot make right regex compare. right use following code, need normal solution.

    rightpath = 0          set objshell = createobject("shell.application")     set objfolder = objshell.browseforfolder(0, "select folder:", &h10&, strpath)          if objfolder nothing         msgbox "configuration canceled" ,64 , "information"         wscript.quit     end if      set objfolderitem = objfolder.self     objpath = objfolderitem.path      ' right now, check users folder     rightpath = rightpath + 1     dim re, targetstring     set re = new regexp     re       .pattern = "desktop|documents|downloads|music|pictures|videos"       .global = false       .ignorecase = true     end      targetstring = objpath     if re.test(targetstring)          msgbox "you cannot choose:" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf &  _         "desktop, documents, downloads, music, pictures or videos" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _    "please select location" ,48 , "warning!"         rightpath = 0     end if      loop until rightpath > 0      msgbox "you selected "+targetstring ,0 , "information,"     wscript.quit 

if can't of these: c:\users\user\documents, c:\users\user\documents\letters or c:\users\user\ instr might first two.

for example,

folder1 = "c:\users\user\documents" folder2 = "c:\users\user\documents\letters" if instr(folder2,folder1) fail 

if didn't want part of user input same folder1 reverse order of instr check.

if need more specific this, might have split folder strings arrays (split "\") compare first x number of fields in array.


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