c# - Popup with Caliburn Micro in Windows Phone -

could explain how use xaml popups caliburn micro.


edit:(made code more releavent want achieve) when define popup in xaml this:

<button x:name="showpopup" content="popup"/> <popup x:name="my_popup_xaml" grid.row="2">     <border  borderthickness="2" margin="10" borderbrush="green">         <stackpanel background="lightblue">             <textblock text="select option" fontsize="21" margin="10,0" />             <stackpanel orientation="horizontal" margin="0,10">                 <button x:name="selectphoto"  content="select photo library" width="215"/>                 <button x:name="capturephoto"    content="use camera"   width="215"/>             </stackpanel>         </stackpanel>     </border> </popup> 

how display popup using windowmanager?

should create new view model because need use photochooser task , camera capture task here?

how bind popup view model.


@charleh, suggestion using windowmanager separate viewmodel worked, minor tweak.

i removed <popup> tag , used window manager display popup.

but cannot close popup , popup cropped it's displayed @ top of screen. how fix this?

edit: able close dialog using the screen's tryclose() method.

when used showdialog method instead of showpopupmethod , alignment of window bit better still stuck @ top , wont align in center.

dialog image

edit: have created new phoneapplicationpage(windows phone 8 equivalent of window) , displayed dialog. problem approach phoneapplicationpage not stretching automatically fill screen space(which when not displayed dialog). it's stretching accommodate content inside it. setting `verticalalignment="stretch" has no effect.

giving height property particular value not suitable because of not adjust different phone resolutions.

@charleh tried specifying height , width this:

dictionary<string, object> properies = new dictionary<string, object>(); properies.add("height", 768); properies.add("width", 480); windowmanager.showdialog(new imageselectorpopupviewmodel(),null,properies); 

this code has no effect (although specifying height in xaml works cannot use have accommodate different screen resolutions on phone)

you need read on caliburn micro before post - there literally tons of articles showing how bind commands on view methods on vm

to in case either:

  1. bind using convention giving button same name method

    <button x:name="showpopup" />

  2. bind using action message syntax:

    <button cal:message.attach="[showpopup]" />

all answers here: http://caliburnmicro.codeplex.com/documentation

(specifically: http://caliburnmicro.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=all%20about%20actions&referringtitle=documentation)

you same thing button, can same thing popup

(have considered using caliburns windowmanager has showpopup method?)


on re-reading looks want use same viewmodel current view , popup - case or want new viewmodel popup? i'd suggest using windowmanager, , creating viewmodel popup - more in-line cm does


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