class - PHP Calling self on a non-static method -

why 'self'-call non-satic method in example working?

class a{      protected function anonstaticmethod(){         return __class__;     }      public function aecho(){         echo self::anonstaticmethod();     } } 

thanks explanation.

in simple example $this , self interchangable. aware of different method resolving when dealing inheritance (i added static completeness):

class {     protected function anonstaticmethod(){         return __class__;     }      public function selfecho(){         echo self::anonstaticmethod();     }      public function staticecho(){         echo static::anonstaticmethod();     }      public function thisecho(){         echo $this->anonstaticmethod();     } }  class b extends {     protected function anonstaticmethod(){         return __class__;     } }  $b = new b(); $b->selfecho(); // $b->staticecho(); // b $b->thisecho(); // b 


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