jquery - How to get php array as a javascript array through ajax -

i have php file called ajax, printed array, , want array in ajax success event , use javascript array prepend valu in 2 fields jquery. tried bellow failed. new in coding, pls me one....

the php file bellow:

$qry = $crud->select("latest_event", "bndescription, eventheading","eventid='{$eventid}'");

$data = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry);

$arr = array("content" =>$data['bndescription'], "heading" => $data['eventheading']);

header('content-type: application/x-json');

echo json_encode($arr);


the javascript is:

$.ajax({       type: "post",       url: "geteventdata.php",       data:"eventid="+eventid+"&lang="+lang,       cache: false,       success: function(data){       $("input#eventheading").prepend(data[heading]);       $("textarea#cont").prepend(data[content]);       } 



you don't have heading variable.

to property name, write



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