drawing a diamond inside a square usnig java swing -

i having trouble while using swing draw diamond inside square. code this,please 1 have @ , let me know if can provide fullfunctional code working in creating diamond inside square. code is:-

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*;  public class mydrawing extends jpanel {   static int width=250;   static int height=250;   static int x=0;   static int y=0;   private void dodrawing(graphics g)    {          graphics2d g2d = (graphics2d) g;          g2d.setcolor(color.blue);          //for (int = 0; <= 1000; i++)          g2d.drawrect(x, y, width,height);         g2d.rotate(math.toradians(-45));         system.out.println(math.toradians(-45));         x=0;         y=height/2;         system.out.println(y);         width=(int)math.pow(math.pow((width/2),2)*2,0.5);          height=width;         system.out.println("width:"+width+"height:"+height);         g2d.drawrect(y, x, width,height);  }  @override public void paintcomponent(graphics g) {      super.paintcomponent(g);     dodrawing(g); } } 

to keep the diamond inside sqaure, 1. draw rectangle 2. rotate rectangle center.

rectangle2d rectangle = new rectangle2d.double(20, 20, 50, 50); g2.draw(rectangle); affinetransform transform = new affinetransform(); transform.rotate(math.pi/4, rectangle.getx() + rectangle.width/2,    rectangle.gety() + rectangle.height/2); g2.draw(transform); 


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