How to access nth element in a Haskell tuple -

i have this:

 get3th (_,_,a,_,_,_) = 

which works fine in ghci want compile ghc , gives error. if want write function nth element of tuple , able run in ghc should do? program below, should that?

 get3th (_,_,a,_,_,_) =    main =       mytuple  <- getline      print $  get3th mytuple 

your problem getline gives string, want tuple of kind. can fix problem converting string tuple – example using built-in read function. third line here tries parse string six-tuple of ints.

main =   mystring <- getline    let mytuple = read mystring :: (int, int, int, int, int, int)    print $ get3th mytuple 

note while useful learning types , such, should never write kind of code in practise. there @ least 2 warning signs:

  1. you have tuple more 3 or elements. such tuple needed , can replaced list, vector or custom data type. tuples used more temporarily bring 2 kinds of data 1 value. if start using tuples often, think whether or not can create own data type instead.

  2. using read read structure not idea. read explode program terrible error message @ tiny little mistake, , that's not want. if need parse structures, it's idea use real parser. read can enough simple integers , such, no more that.


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