php combobox & button should hide once updated into mysql db and show success message instead of combobox & button place. -

here updated 1 field value through user input form (combo box type). update process working perfectly. but, after data stored in db should show value i'm selected in combo box , combox box & update button must hide once updated , should show message "updated successfully" instead of combo box & button. not using javascript alert method. not alert message. once updated data in db combo box should hide , success message should show in particular .

this main page coding :

while($a_row = mysql_fetch_array($sql))     {              echo "\t<td>" . $a_row['guestname'] . "</td>";             echo "\t<td>" . $a_row['agentname'] . "</td>\n";         echo "\t<td><form action=statusdb.php method=post>         <select name=update><option value=empty></option><option value=confirm>confirm</option><option value=processing>processing</option><option value=pending>pending</option><option value=cancelled>cancelled</option></select>         <input name=id type=hidden value='".$a_row['slno']."';>         <input type=submit value=update>        </form>         </td>\n";         echo "</tr>\n";     } 

this statusdb coding :

if (isset($_post['id'])) {  $id = mysql_real_escape_string($_post['id']); $update= mysql_real_escape_string($_post['update']); $sql = mysql_query("update guest_details set status = '$update' slno = '$id'"); if(!$sql) {     die("error" .mysql_error()); } else {     echo "<html><body onload=\"alert('status updated successfully');\"></body></html>"; } } 

i'm thinking work.

try adding following after line echoing agentname:

if ( $a_row['status'] != 'empty' ) {     echo "\t<td>" . $a_row[$status] . "</td>\n"; } else {     // here's you'd put next 6 lines } 

ps: don't see opening <tr> tag.


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