jsf - <p:blockUI> doesn't show up on second click of <p:menuitem> -

when click menuitem id "menuitemid" first time, blockui working when click menuitem again not working. there idea?

by way there tabs in content , if user clicks "menuitemid" tab1 renders, if user clicks "menuitemid2" tab2 renders , tab1 disappers.

here full page layout;

</p:layout> .... <p:layoutunit id="centerlayoutunit" position="center" style="border: none">                             <ui:insert name="content">put default content here, if any.</ui:insert>         </p:layoutunit>     </p:layout> 

my index page;

<ui:define name="west">             <h:form id="westform">                <p:panelmenu style="width:200px">                     <p:submenu label="createuser">                         <p:menuitem id="menuitemid" ..../>                         <p:menuitem id="menuitemid2"..../>                 <p:blockui block=":centerlayoutunit" trigger="menuitemid">                       loading<br />                     <p:graphicimage library="images" name="loading.gif"/>                   </p:blockui>             </h:form>          </ui:define>       <ui:define name="content">                              <p:panel id="contentpanel">                                   <p:tabview id="tabview" activeindex="#{mycontroller.activeindex}" widgetvar="tabviewwidget">                    <p:tab title="tab1" rendered="#{mycontroller.tabrenders.get('renderpanel1')}">                         <ui:include src="createuser.xhtml"/>                                                 </p:tab>                    <p:tab title="tab2" rendered="#{mycontroller.tabrenders.get('renderpanel2')}">                         <ui:include src="createmanager.xhtml"/>                                                 </p:tab>                </p:tabview>               </p:panel>          </ui:define> 

may trigger not working correctly.

can try manually trigger it? not tested code! please try it!

<p:panelmenu style="width:200px">                     <p:submenu label="createuser">                         <p:menuitem id="menuitemid" onclick="bui.show()" oncomplete="bui.hide()"..../>                         <p:menuitem id="menuitemid2" onclick="bui.show()" oncomplete="bui.hide()"..../>                 <p:blockui block=":centerlayoutunit" widgetvar="bui">                       loading<br />                     <p:graphicimage library="images" name="loading.gif"/>                   </p:blockui> 


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