Not able to parse JSON in ruby on rails using function JSON.parse -

i have following function in controller file have string , trying parse using json.parse. problem facing not able print value of message present in hash being returned.

def index   .........     r = '{"response":"{\"message\":\"the following page created 3035\",\"success\":\"0\",\"page_id\":\"3035\"}"}'   @hash = json.parse(r)   respond_to |format|   format.html   end     end 

in view file using following code

<%= @hash['response']['message'] %> 

the output getting message instead of getting the following page created 3035

i have 'require json' on controller file.


<%= @hash['response'] %> 

then whole hash.please

the json string looks off. contains single key/value pair, key being response , rest being string containing looks escaped json:

"{\"message\":\"the following page created 3035\",\"success\":\"0\",\"page_id\":\"3035\"}" 

in other words, behavior you're seeing expected given input you're giving.

if change json input (ie making sure value in response isn't given json-encoded string):

r = '{"response":{"message":"the following page created 3035","success":"0","page_id":"3035"}}' 

i imagine it'll work expect.

the reason @hash['response']['message'] returning "message" because @hash['response'] string. sending [] string string parameter results in parameter string being returned if occurs in recipient string:

"foobar"["bar"] #=> "bar" "foobar"["baz"] #=> nil 

see string#[] details.


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