resize - Dynamically change a banner size on changing the browser window using Jquery -

i came solution works well, except have refresh screen change banner size.

<script type="text/javascript">     var wi = $("#containingdiv").width();     var iw = $(document).width();     $(document).ready(function () {         var iw = $(document).width();         $('#test b').html(iw);         $(window).resize(function () {             iw = $(document).width();             $('#test b').html(iw);             wi = $("#containingdiv").width();             wi = math.round(iw * .6);             $('#test1 b').html(wi);             $("#s1").css('width',wi);             $("#s2").css('width',wi);             $("#s3").css('width',wi);             $("#s4").css('width',wi);             $("#s5").css('width',wi);             $("#s6").css('width',wi);             $("#s7").css('width',wi);             $("#s8").css('width',wi);           });         $('#allinone_bannerrotator_classic').allinone_bannerrotator({             skin: 'classic',             width: wi,             height: wi /2,             responsive: true,             responsiverelativetobrowser: true,             animationtime: 0.5,             width100proc: false,             autohidebottomnav: true,             showpreviewthumbs: false,             shownavarrows: false,             showbottomnav: false,             autohidenavarrows: true,             loop: true,             enabletouchscreen: true,             showcircletimer: false,             autoplay: 4,             resizeimages: true,             defaulteffect: 'fade'         });          ////$('.bxslider').bxslider({         ////    mode: 'fade',         ////    captions: true         ////});     }); </script> 

first div width have placed banner, , document width, scale images , banner. tried put banner script inside window resize, unfortunately did not work, not see images. appreciate suggestions.

first, you should put resize function next ready function, not inside.

$(document).ready(function () {     //stuffs here });  $(window).resize(function () {     //stuffs here }); 

and there .refresh() function allinone_bannerrotator pluggin.

so, on ready, initialize pluggin, on resize, set new options (width), , refresh. read pluggin's documentation.


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