amazon ec2 - Chef: How to use different OS default users based on environment (Vagrant, EC2)? -

i writing cookbook run on ubuntu. create directory in home of default user.

directory "/home/<default-user>/my-directory"   owner <default-user> end 

the problem is, default user different across environments:

  • it vagrant when running on virtual machine using vagrant.
  • and ubuntu when running on ec2 instance.

what practice solve kind of problem? , how it?

thank you!

make user attribute , set according environment.

directory "/home/#{node[:my_app][:default_user]}/my-directory"   owner node[:my_app][:default_user] end 

then, on attributes/default.rb file:

default[:my_app][:default_user] = 'ubuntu' 

and on vagrantfile:

vagrant.configure("2") |config|   config.vm.provision "chef_solo" |chef|     # ...      chef.json = {       "my_app" => {         "default_user" => "vagrant"       }     }   end end 

this set default user ubuntu, overridden when running in vagrant vm.


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