java - Android - Shared Preference with Two Classes -

basically want set 1 class have getters , setters device store , retrieve data, , other classes access it. managed sharedpreferences working in 1 class having trouble 2 classes (i'm familiar java not android, read somewhere shouldn't using activity static, , couldn't working either). anyway here getter / setter class.

public class storage extends activity {   @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     // todo auto-generated method stub     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); }  final sharedpreferences prefs = this.getsharedpreferences(         "", context.mode_private);  string namekey = ""; 

i access these pieces of code in other class (final used variable "storage" used within onclicklistener):

final storage storage = new storage();  storage.storeitem("name", name); system.out.println(storage.getstring("name")); 

i believe issue initialising sharedpreferences away activity?

assuming issue, can pass context through constructor of storage class initalise it.


sharedpreferences prefs;  public storage(context acontext){     prefs = acontext.getsharedpreferences("",              context.mode_private); } 

then access via original acessor methods. might best pass application context rather activity context through constructor, when create storage class, call in activity:

storage mystorage = new storage(getapplicationcontext()); 

it might wise create singleton class well, allow use same instance of storage. there plenty of tutorials singletons in java around web.


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