savefiledialog - Save ArrayList into CSV-File Apache Wicket -

how can "write" arraylist in file, can download after writing? 1 element in list 1 line in csv-file.

for example: have arraylist<string> mylist = service.getlist want write in file. in simple client-only-application easy. have apache wicket. nice, have filebrowser, can specify, in directory want download it.

i thought, work way:

final file filetosave = new file("exported objects.csv");         writer writer = null;         try {              writer = new bufferedwriter(new filewriter(filetosave));             writer.write("");             (obj o : listo) {                 writer.append(o.getasd);              }         } catch (ioexception ex) {             // report         } {             try {                 writer.close();             } catch (exception ex) {             }         } 

but won't. have use jboss-server. on local jetty-served worked, on jboss-server it's not possible way. wicket-version: 1.4.7

see wicket's downloadlink download functionality, , use temporary file (file.createtempfile()) create downloadable csv. way creating file in current working directory of container. might not have write privileges in location, temp should work.


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