java - Selenium firefox driver takes 30-40 seconds to launch firefox -

i developing tests using selenium webdriver 2.3 , initializing browsers below:

if (testbrowser.equalsignorecase("mozilla"))  {  dvr = new firefoxdriver();   system.out.println("invoking firefox in system"); } else if (testbrowser.equalsignorecase("ie")) {  file file = new file(system.getproperty("user.dir")+"/iedriverserver.exe");   system.setproperty("", file.getabsolutepath());  dvr = new internetexplorerdriver();  } else if (testbrowser.equalsignorecase("chrome"))  {    file file = new file(system.getproperty("user.dir")+"/chromedriver.exe");     system.setproperty("", file.getabsolutepath());    dvr = new chromedriver();  }  

evertime firefox launched takes 30-40 seconds, while launching rest of browsers chrome or safari e.t.c launch within seconds.

though tried solution suggested in blog below didn't work me:!topic/selenium-users/a2fnff-md_e

will appreciate if has workaround this.

i have profile settings ff using test cases on python. know makes better performance:

profile = webdriver.firefoxprofile()         profile.set_preference('general.useragent.override', user_agent)         # paint delay off         profile.set_preference('nglayout.initialpaint.delay', 0)         # tabs animation         profile.set_preference('browser.tabs.animate', false)         # gif animation off         profile.set_preference('image.animation_mode', 'none')         # tabs memory off         profile.set_preference('browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewer', 1)         profile.set_preference('browser.sessionhistory.max_entries', 3)         profile.set_preference('browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers', 1)         profile.set_preference('browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo', 0)         # asynchronous requests server         profile.set_preference('network.http.pipelining', true)         profile.set_preference('network.http.pipelining.maxrequests', 8)         # cache enabled         profile.set_preference('browser.cache.memory.enable', true)         profile.set_preference('browser.cache.disk.enable', true)         # autosuggests         profile.set_preference('', false)         # formfills         profile.set_preference('browser.formfill.enable', false)         # scan downloads         profile.set_preference('', false)         # no bookmarks backup         profile.set_preference('browser.bookmarks.max_backups', 0)  

try java syntax.


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