.net - Outlook Interop "The RPC server is unavailable" when email is opened -

using outlook interop, have created small app connect outlook inbox , collect 30 emails, display them in grid. when double click on email in grid, open email in outlook.

in app: - open email, minimise it. open another, open fine. - open email, close it. open another, 'the rpc server unavailable. (exception hresult: 0x800706ba)' error.

i noticed when happens, outlook icon in system tray disappears.

i have tried creating new instance of microsoft.office.interop.outlook.application , namespace , adding registry setting found here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/rgregg/archive/2008/10/27/application-shutdown-changes-in-outlook-2007-service-pack-2-beta.aspx

i running office 2010.

does know how around this?

imports microsoft.office.interop.outlook imports system.runtime.interopservices imports system.reflection  public class form1     private m_outlookapplication application                                                         'outlook     private m_namespace microsoft.office.interop.outlook.namespace                                   'outlook's namespace     private withevents m_inboxitems items                                                            'all outlook inbox items     private withevents m_calendaritems items                                                         'all outlook calendar items     private m_outlookinstalled boolean = false                                                       'indicates whether outlook installed on computer     private m_emails new list(of outlookinboxemail)                                                  'used store inbox e-mail messages grid view control     private m_inboxfolder mapifolder                                                                 'outlook inbox folder     private m_calendarfolder mapifolder                                                              'outlook calendar     private m_explorer explorer                                                                      'outlook window explorer     private m_name string = string.empty                                                             'the name user connected     public sub new()         initializecomponent()          connecttooutlook()          loadinbox()     end sub     private sub connecttooutlook()         m_outlookapplication = new microsoft.office.interop.outlook.application         m_namespace = m_outlookapplication.getnamespace("mapi")         m_namespace.logon(missing.value, missing.value, false, true)         dim connectionmode = m_namespace.exchangeconnectionmode     end sub     private sub loadinbox()         try              'get inbox folder             m_inboxfolder = m_namespace.getdefaultfolder(oldefaultfolders.olfolderinbox)             'get inbox messages             m_inboxitems = m_inboxfolder.items             m_emails.clear()             'display recent messages first             m_inboxitems.sort("receivedtime", true)              dim numberofemailstoload integer = 30             'set displayed values each message             each currentitem object in m_inboxitems                 dim emailitem = trycast(currentitem, mailitem)                 if not emailitem nothing                     'check whether e-mail                     if emailitem.messageclass = "ipm.note"                         'set email                         dim inboxemail new outlookinboxemail                         inboxemail.sendername = emailitem.sendername                         inboxemail.subject = emailitem.subject                         inboxemail.receivedtime = emailitem.receivedtime.tostring("dd mmmm hh:mm")                         inboxemail.body = emailitem.body                         inboxemail.unread = emailitem.unread                         inboxemail.email = emailitem                         m_emails.add(inboxemail)                         numberofemailstoload = numberofemailstoload - 1                         if numberofemailstoload <= 0                             exit                         end if                     end if                 end if             next              if m_explorer nothing                 try                     m_explorer = m_outlookapplication.activeexplorer                 catch ex system.exception                  end try             end if              if gridcontrol1.datasource nothing                 gridcontrol1.datasource = nothing                 gridcontrol1.datasource = m_emails             end if             gridcontrol1.refreshdatasource()         catch exception system.exception          end try     end sub     ''' <summary>     ''' opens email in outlook     ''' </summary>     ''' <remarks></remarks>     private sub openemail()         if not gridview1.getfocuseddatasourcerowindex < 0             dim selectedemail = trycast(m_emails(gridview1.getfocuseddatasourcerowindex), outlookinboxemail)             if not selectedemail nothing                 try                      if process.getprocessesbyname("outlook").count() = 0                      end if                      selectedemail.email.display()                     selectedemail.unread = false                     selectedemail.emailimage = my.resources.read_16                 catch exception comexception                  end try                 gridcontrol1.refreshdatasource()             end if         end if     end sub     private sub gridcontrolcalendar_doubleclick(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles gridcontrol1.doubleclick         openemail()     end sub end class 

after several hours of investigation, when message closed closes outlook it.

the solution check before interacting outlook, outlook open. having timer running every 2 minutes ran same check ensured outlook inbox view created ever 2 minutes out of date if outlook closed.

private sub openemail()         if not gridviewinbox.getfocuseddatasourcerowindex < 0             dim selectedemail = trycast(m_emails(gridviewinbox.getfocuseddatasourcerowindex), outlookinboxemail)             if not selectedemail nothing                 try                     if process.getprocessesbyname("outlook").count() = 0                         'if outlook not open.. open                         m_selectedemail = selectedemail                         reconnectoutlook()                     else                         'as outlook open, open email                         selectedemail.email.display()                         selectedemail.unread = false                         selectedemail.emailimage = imagelibrary.my.resources.read_16                         gridcontrolinbox.refreshdatasource()                         m_selectedemail = nothing                     end if                 catch exception comexception                     eventlog.write(exception)                     messagebox.show("could not open email. please start outlook , try again.", "opening email", messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.information)                 end try                 gridcontrolinbox.refreshdatasource()             end if         end if     end sub 

the reconnection code...

private sub connecttooutlook()     try         m_outlookapplication = new microsoft.office.interop.outlook.application         m_namespace = m_outlookapplication.getnamespace("mapi")         'start outlook         dim connectionmode = m_namespace.exchangeconnectionmode         m_namespace.logon(missing.value, missing.value, false, true)         'get name of user         m_name = m_outlookapplication.session.currentuser.name         m_outlookinstalled = true     catch exception system.exception         if not exception.message.indexof("class not registered") = -1             'outlook not installed             m_outlookinstalled = false             eventlog.write(exception)         else             eventlog.write(exception)         end if     end try end sub 


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