Javascript: edit an images height in a for loop -

i'm trying edit images height repeating in loop in javascript can't figure out need add in.

here variables if it's important:

        var i;         var start = 1;         var seg = document.getelementbyid("selsegs").value;         var parent = document.getelementbyid("divinch"), //parent appendchild                  imagepath = 'inchwormsegment.gif', //variable image                 img; //adding img element 

here loop:

for(i = start; i<=seg; i++) {              img = new image(); //creating new image object             img.src = imagepath; // element src = imagepath    = "215px"; // sets height of in loop             // = ( * .9) + "px"; - nothing             parent.appendchild(img); //appendchild adds child (img) object         } 

i've tried adding in math can't figure out supposed go

let me know if fiddle accomplishes trying do: few things remember:

  1. you can edit image "height" attribute directly, no need go through style (you don't need add px!)
  2. don't use new image() - use document.createelement('img'). that's w3c supported standard.

if i'm off let me know - otherwise, on right track!

js code in fiddle:

var parent = document.getelementbyid("imgholder")  (i=0;i<3;i++) {     var img = document.createelement('img');     img.src = ""     img.height = "200"     parent.appendchild(img) } 


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