javascript - Infinite loop when looping through 3 elements. Whats wrong? -

im trying create "plugin" facebook button. loop renders first div. , not other divs. why?


    <style>body{background: #ccc;}</style>  <div name="q" data-id="3"  data-width="200"></div> <div name="q" data-id="1"  data-width="300"></div> <div name="q" data-id="1"  data-width="400"></div>  <script>      var s = document.getelementsbyname("q");      (var = 0; < s.length; i++) {          e = s[i];          w = e.attributes['data-width'].value;          = e.attributes['data-id'].value;          var o={};          o.iframe = document.createelement('iframe');         o.iframe.setattribute('src', '');         o.iframe.width = w;         o.iframe.height = w + 100;         o.iframe.border = 0;         o.iframe.setattribute('style', 'border: 0;overflow: visible;');          e.appendchild(o.iframe);          console.log('id:'+i+' width:'+w);     }     </script> 

you using variable i both loop counter, , inside loop.

in first iteration assign value "3" variable i. converted number 3 when compared in for statement, , more length of array, loop ends after first iteration.

use different variable name variable holds data-id in loop.


the problem size of iframes here:

o.iframe.height = w + 100; 

the variable w contains string, example "200", , when of operands of + operator string, string concatenation. result not 300 "200100". iframes several thousand pixels high.

you need use numbers in calculation:

o.iframe.height = parseint(w) + 100; 


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