Asana API Key Basic authentication 401 -

i getting 401 response asana request.

var url = ""; byte[] encodedbyte = system.text.asciiencoding.ascii.getbytes(apikey); apikey = convert.tobase64string(encodedbyte); webrequest wrgeturl; wrgeturl = webrequest.create(url); wrgeturl.headers.add("authorization: basic " + apikey); string result; using (streamreader reader = new streamreader(wrgeturl.getresponse().getresponsestream())) {     result = reader.readtoend(); } return result; 

the way http basic auth works, encode username and password base64, separated colon. in asana api key username , there no password.

from docs @ :

note: utilities , libraries allow specify username , password handle proper encoding of header you. however, if need set authorization header manually, header value constructed adding colon (:) api key, base64-encoding string. can read more on basic authentication if need further details.

so, should do:

byte[] encodedbyte = system.text.asciiencoding.ascii.getbytes(apikey + ":")


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